Commentary: Nonalcoholic or metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease? The epidemic of the 21st century in search of the most appropriate name

  1. Polyzos, S.A.
  2. Kang, E.S.
  3. Tsochatzis, E.A.
  4. Kechagias, S.
  5. Ekstedt, M.
  6. Xanthakos, S.
  7. Lonardo, A.
  8. Mantovani, A.
  9. Tilg, H.
  10. Côté, I.
  11. Grefhorst, A.
  12. Greene, M.W.
  13. Araujo-Vilar, D.
  14. Alisi, A.
  15. Casanueva, F.
  16. Mantzoros, C.S.
Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental

ISSN: 1532-8600 0026-0495

Año de publicación: 2020

Volumen: 113

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.1016/J.METABOL.2020.154413 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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