Grado de conocimiento de enfermería de atención primaria sobre la cura en ambiente húmedo y el uso de apósitos.

  1. Prieto Martín, Virginia
  2. Pesado Cartelle, José Ángel
  3. Delgado Fernández, Ramón
Enfermería Dermatológica

ISSN: 1888-3109 2386-4818

Year of publication: 2013

Year: 7

Issue: 20

Pages: 43-52

Type: Article

More publications in: Enfermería Dermatológica


Objective: To assess the degree of nursing knowledge in Primary Care of the Management Integrated of Ferrol about the Cure in Wet Environment (CWE) and the use of the products that integrates the catalog Galician Health Service for the realization of the same. Methodology: Descriptive observational study. Data collection was performed by using a structured questionnaire ad hoc. Statistical analysis of descriptive and inferential calculations using SPSS. Results: 66% of the health care professionals have demonstrated a high knowledge on the recommendations of a cure in wet environment and the use of dressings for the same; the 30% a medium degree of knowledge, and a remaining 4% had knowledge under. It found no statistically significant differences (p<0.05 ) depending on the place where they carry out the work the professionals being the positive association toward who worked in consultations in Primary Care. There is less knowledge among the professionals that do not have fixed-term contract and <10 years of work experience. Conclusions: The level of knowledge, on the CWE and the use of dressings for the same, can be considered as high-medium, as well as confirmed by the 96% of the respondents. The ideal profile corresponded with that of a nursing professional consultation of CPC, with fixed contract and >10 years of work experience. In conclusion, it seems to be necessary to continue educating and motivating the professionals with less experience and persevere in formative tasks to integrate the recommendations based on evidence on the treatment of chronic wounds.