Evaluación de conductas y actitudes de búsqueda de empleoRevisión y validación de tres escalas para la orientación profesional

  1. Rafael Piqueras Gómez 1
  2. Antonio Carrasco Hernández 2
  3. José Luis Rodríguez-Arias Palomo 3
  4. Ángel Altuna Urcelay 4
  1. 1 Universidadde Murcia. Facultadde Ciencias del Trabajo. Máster Interuniversitario enOrientación e IntermediaciónLaboral. Murcia, España
  2. 2 Universidadde Murcia. Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo. DepartamentodeOrganización de Empresas y Finanzas. Murcia, España
  3. 3 Servicio Gallego de Salud. A Coruña, España
  4. 4 Lanbide-Servicio Vasco de Empleo. Vitoria-Gasteiz. España
Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía

ISSN: 1139-7853 1989-7448

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 32

Issue: 2

Pages: 69-90

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5944/REOP.VOL.32.NUM.2.2021.31279 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía

Sustainable development goals


One of the fundamental objectives of careerguidance is to facilitate labor integration. To do this you need to have valid and reliable instruments that evaluate the jobsearch process. It is intended to expand and improve three scales used by the Employment and Training Service of the Region of Murcia (SEF) aimed at measuring the main cognitive-behavioral elements involved in the job search process: insertion facilitatorsystem (SFI), search behaviors employment (ICBE) and job search expectations (ECPBE). After a preliminary study, some items are removed,and new elements are added based on the literature review and expert opinion. The improved scales are subject to validation by confirmatory factor analysis ona sample of 472 people. Accordingto the results,the new scales have adequate reliability in all their elements with a Cronbach's alpha greater than .7. They showan adequate structure and fit in the robust Satorra-Bentler measurement model χ2 (494) = 972.43 (p = .000), NFI = .9, NNFI = .92, CFI = .93 and RMSEA = .05 with a correct convergent and discriminant validity. In conclusion,the improved scales constitute a valid and reliable measure of the main variables involved in the job search and a useful tool for decision-making based on evidence about the suitability of career guidance actions aimed at unemployed people

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