Jose Manuel
Cameselle Teijeiro
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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Barcelona, EspañaPublicacións en colaboración con investigadores/as de Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (4)
Tumors of the thyroid gland. Proposal for the management and study of samples from patients with thyroid neoplasms
Revista Espanola de Patologia, Vol. 53, Núm. 1, pp. 27-36
Early evolutionary divergence between papillary and anaplastic thyroid cancers
Annals of Oncology, Vol. 29, Núm. 6, pp. 1454-1460
Thyroid cancer GWAS identifies 10q26.12 and 6q14.1 as novel susceptibility loci and reveals genetic heterogeneity among populations
International Journal of Cancer, Vol. 137, Núm. 8, pp. 1870-1878
Abnormalities of the E-cadherin/catenin adhesion complex in classical papillary thyroid carcinoma and in its diffuse sclerosing variant
Journal of Pathology, Vol. 194, Núm. 3, pp. 358-366