Centro de investigación
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
Publicacións (32) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a
Cartas al Editor
Chronobiology and breast cancer [3]
Breast Journal
Coffee drinking, cigarette smoking, and Parkinson's disease [1] (multiple letters)
Annals of Neurology
Condroma endobronquial
Anales de Medicina Interna
Desaparición del generador de marcapasos
Revista Espanola de Cardiologia
Disección espontánea de la arteria carótida interna
Anales de Medicina Interna
Erratum: Fatal Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease: The lupus connection (Annals of Hematology (2003) vol. 82 (186-188))
Annals of Hematology
Erratum: Re: "Exposure to residential radon and lung cancer in Spain: A population-based case-control study" (American Journal of Epidemiology (2002) 156 (548-555))
American Journal of Epidemiology
Erratum: Region-Based Wavelet Coding Methods for Digital Mammography (IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging (Oct. 2003) 22 (1288-1296))
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Evolución favorable con tratamiento conservador de la rotura esplénica espontánea durante una mononucleosis infecciosa
Revista Clinica Espanola
Frequently asked questions
Vaccines: Children and Practice
GM-CSF: Una alternativa al lavado broncoalveolar en el tratamiento de la proteinosis alveolar
Medicina Clinica
Ghrelin, a widespread hormone: Insights into molecular and cellular regulation of its expression and mechanism of action
FEBS Letters
Heliox questions [1] (multiple letters)
La imagen de la semana
Medicina Clinica
Lipomatous haemangiopericytoma (adipocytic variant of solitary fibrous tumour) of the thyroid [7]
Musicians playing wind instruments and risk of lung cancer: Is there an association? [1]
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Nefrotoxicidad por imatinib
Oral health and health behavior in patients under anticoagulation therapy
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics
Over-representation of two specific haplotypes among chromosomes harbouring BRCA1 mutations
European Journal of Human Genetics