Conference papers (21) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. 43rd Meeting of Surgery Society of Galicia, La Coruna, Spain, 27-28 November 1998


  2. Antigen-specific sulphidoleukotriene production in allergy to beta-lactam antibiotics

    International Archives of Allergy and Immunology

  3. Catabolic events in osteoarthritic cartilage

    Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

  4. Combined heart and kidney transplantation

    Transplantation Proceedings

  5. Comparison of treadmill exercise echocardiography before and after exercise in the evaluation of patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease

    Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography

  6. Conferencia consenso sobre la enfermedad de la Peyronie

    Actas Urologicas Espanolas

  7. Coronary artery disease transmitted by donors older than 40 years: Prevalence and prognosis

    Transplantation Proceedings

  8. Hearing preservation in large Acoustic Neurinoma surgery: It's possible?: It'S worth while?


  9. Incidence of vascular stroke in patients with acute myocardial infarction receiving fibrinolytic treatment

    European Heart Journal, Supplement

  10. Induction of immune tolerance with recombinant factor VIII in haemophilia A patients with inhibitors


  11. Induction of immunosuppression with OKT3 following heart transplantation: kidney function as a criterion for control of protocol duration

    Transplantation Proceedings

  12. Late orthotopic liver retransplant: Indications and survival

    Transplantation Proceedings

  13. Morbidity and mortality among heart transplant patients older and younger than 65 years

    Transplantation Proceedings

  14. Preemptive and prophylactic ganciclovir therapy for CMV infection in heart transplant patients

    Transplantation Proceedings

  15. Rhabdomyolysis in heart transplant patients on HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors and cyclosporine

    Transplantation Proceedings

  16. Salud percibida en pacientes mayores de 65 anos en tratamiento sustitutivo renal (TSR)


  17. Surgical treatment of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms in the elderly

    Annals of Vascular Surgery

  18. Sustained decrease of serum anti-galactose α1-3-galactose antibodies in baboons by removing aerobic gram-negative bacteria from the bowel

    Transplantation Proceedings

  19. The use of growth hormone (GH) secretagogues in the diagnosis of GH deficiency in humans

    Growth Hormone and IGF Research

  20. Usefulness of nitric oxide inhalation for management of right ventricular failure after heart transplantation in patients with pretransplant pulmonary hypertension

    Transplantation Proceedings