Estudio proteómico de las plaquetas sanguíneas en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudoAnálisis de vías de señalización intracelular

  1. Fernández Parguiña, Andrés
Dirixida por:
  1. Angel Garcia Alonso Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 01 de febreiro de 2013

  1. Fernando Vivanco Martínez Presidente/a
  2. José María García Acuña Secretario
  3. Sonia Eiras Penas Vogal
  4. José Rivera Pozo Vogal
  5. Cristina Ruiz Romero Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Platelests play a fundamental role in the initiatiio, progessión and outcome of acute coronary syndrimes. The unwanted activation porcess these enucleated cells suffer during their lifespan is one of the main causes underlying the emergence of clinical complications. This activation involves the coordinated action of thousands of proteins connected through intracaellular signaling pathways. Tje aim of this thesis was to shed some light over the molecular mechanisms underlying platelet actions during the acute events and study fome of the main signaling pathways involved. To do som we designed a strategy based on the application of proteomic technology to the patelets of acute patients and healthy donors. We believe the results obtained advance the knowledge we had over the pathopphysiology of the disease and might help in the discovery of new therapeutic targets to improve the diagnostic and treatment of the conditions.