La labor social de formación agropecuaria y sanitaria de la Cátedra ambulante del Consejo Provincial de Fomento de La Coruña (1920-1928):El papel de Juan Rof Codina y Marcelino Ramírez García

  1. Ponte Hernando, Fernando Julio
  2. Conde Gómez, Diego
Las ciencias veterinarias al servicio de la sociedad: Actas del XXV Congreso Nacional y XVI Congreso Iberoamericano de Historia de la Veterinaria: Toledo, 15, 16 y 17 de Noviembre de 2019
  1. Luis Alberto García Alía (dir. congr.)
  2. Juan Julián García Gómez (coord.)

Publisher: Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Toledo

ISBN: 9788409148363 8409148366

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 131-135

Congress: Congreso Iberoamericano de Historia de la Veterinaria (16. 2019. Toledo)

Type: Conference paper


Between 1920 and 1928 the so-called "Traveling Chair of the Provincial Council of Development" operated in La Coruña. Its architect was the veterinarian Juan Rof Codina (1874-1967). The Chair used to go on tour on Sundays through various municipalities providing training in issues of general interest for farmers and ranchers. Different professionals from the Veterinary practice as well as academics, agriculture teachers and agronomists, collaborated with Rof. Among them, stands out his friend Marcelino Ramírez García (1864-1940) Chief veterinarian of the 8th Military Region (Galicia) who, in his double condition of veterinarian and doctor, was his strongest support Rof and Ramirez worked along with other colleagues in breeding improvement, value-added actions, disease prevention, animal and stable sanitation techniques, renewal of the commercialization of agricultural products, live cattle and meat and prevention of zoonoses in humans, among other tasks.We have not found a longer period of Rof's performance in the chair, as such, since, possibly, he stopped his activities in 1928, due to his problems with the Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. After the Spanish Civil War and his retirement in 1944, Rof would found -now with public supportthe Livestock Divulgation Chair of Galicia, which undertook similar activities until 1967. Also, according to direct testimonies, agricultural training courses were given to schoolmasters during the summer in Lugo’s province so that the latter would instruct farmers and ranchers to help them improving their performance.