A linguaxe do cancrounha análise comparativa entre diferentes significados asociados coa doenza

  1. Jorge García Fernández
  2. Montserrat Durán Bouza
Psicoloxía clínica: anuario

ISSN: 1889-1187

Year of publication: 2009

Issue Title: A Psicoloxía Clínica para a Galicia do futuro

Issue: 3

Pages: 713-719

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicoloxía clínica: anuario


Despite significant progress, for many individuals the term cancer includes necessarily the following meanings: physical deterioration, suffering and death. Negative emotions experienced with that concept would be determined by both the quantity and quality of information transmitted culturally (usually through language) and through the personal experience with the disease.Using the Google search engine, in this work we perform an analysis of the frequency of occurrence in web pages in Spanish of different connotations related with war (fight, battle,combat, etc) accompanying the term cancer and other health problems. The differences found in the language used to describe different diseases provides relevant information about generation of negative emotions associated with the term of cancer, and possible alternative lines of psychological intervention.