Actitud hacia la prevención de lesiones por presión en estudiantes de enfermeríacuestionario APuP

  1. Cristina Pérez-López 1
  2. Mª Dolores López-Franco 1
  3. Inés María Comino-Sanz 1
  4. Pedro L Pancorbo-Hidalgo 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Jaén

    Universidad de Jaén

    Jaén, España


Gerokomos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica

ISSN: 1134-928X

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 32

Issue: 1

Pages: 43-50

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4321/S1134-928X2021000100010 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Gerokomos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica

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ABSTRACT Objectives: To explore the attitude towards pressure injury prevention of nursing students. Secondary objectives: a) To establish the psychometric properties of the questionnaire of Attitudes towards the prevention of pressure ulcer (APuP) -Spanish version- in student population, and b) To identify the educational factors associated with the attitude. Methods: A cross-sectional observational and validation study was carried out with students of the four years of the Bachelor in Nursing in the University of Jaén (Spain) using an online survey. Rasch analysis was used to establish the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. Also, the score of attitude and its association with educational variables were analysed. The standardised median difference (Cohen's d) was used to estimate the effect size. Results: A total of 188 valid questionnaires were analysed. The average score obtained in the APuP questionnaire was 22.60 (44.23% of the maximum). The questionnaire has a good overall internal consistency (α=0.74) and the item fit indices were good. It was found a less positive attitude in students who had done clinical placements (p<0.0001) and those in higher years (p<0.0001). There is an inverse correlation between the attitude score and the knowledge score (r= -0.46). Conclusions: The questionnaire of attitudes towards prevention of pressure ulcers (APuP) Spanish version is a valid and reliable instrument to use in nursing students. The attitude towards prevention is not positive in these students and there is some evidence for a possible effect of clinical placements and increased knowledge over a less favourable attitude.

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