Efectos agudos del enfrentamiento en judoanálisis multiparamétrico

  1. Carballeira Fernández, Eduardo
  2. Iglesias, E.
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071 2386-4095

Ano de publicación: 2007

Número: 19

Páxinas: 117-144

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: European Journal of Human Movement


The purpose of this study was to characterize the effort in judo, through quantification of changes induced by a fight on neuromuscular and metabolic aspects. In a sample of 8 male judo fighters, members of the Senior Galician Selection (Spain), heart rate (Fc) was recorded during a judo match. Before and immediately after the fight lactate blood concentration, countermovement jump, isometric handgrip dinamometry and performance in isometric bench press 90º, rowing 90º and squat 160º were measured. Fc represented 92.65±3.26% of the maximum (%Fcmáx.) reaching lactate concentration levels of 13.75±3.09 mmol/L. Results decreased around 5% in isometric handgrip dinamometry. Performance decreased in bench press and rowing exercises, reaching statistical significance in rowing exercise for peak force (PFI) and average force (MFI) (postest 93.93±6.20% and 91.60±9.47% of pretest for PFI and MFI respectively). Isometric changes for lower limbs were less marked than for higher limbs.

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