Aplicación de la técnica Mölndal en la cicatrización de heridas quirúrgicas agudas e incisiones de drenajes

  1. López de los Reyes, Ramón
  2. Vives Rodríguez, Eulalia
  3. Rumbo Prieto, José María
  4. Arantón Areosa, Luis
  5. Delgado Fernández, Ramón
  6. Sanmartín Castrillón, Rocío
  7. Puente Puig, Matilde
Enfermería Dermatológica

ISSN: 1888-3109 2386-4818

Ano de publicación: 2014

Ano: 8

Número: 21

Páxinas: 7-14

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Enfermería Dermatológica


Objective: Describe the procedure to follow for a correct application of the Mölndal technique, as a method of elective treatment, in the cure of surgical wounds and incisions of drainages at general surgery. Methodology: Observational study of literature review. Design of a protocol on the Mölndal technique described by Folestad for application in general surgery. Results: Mölndal technique consists in the application of a dressing of hidrofibra hydrocolloid dressing set with a film of polyurethane initially applied in the operating room after the closure of the surgical wound by first intention. The great capacity of absorption and retention of the hydrofibre allows not having to get cure up to a maximum of 7 days since the intervention, unless present adverse circumstances: infection, over-saturation of the hydrofibre or takeoff of polyurethane film. Conclusions: Mölndal technical is considered a clinical practice recommended for its low cost, easy implementation and effectiveness in the healing of acute surgical wounds and incisions of drainages.