Estado nutricional en mayores de 65 años atendidos en Atención Primaria en la zona norte de Galicia

  1. María I. Gómez-Besteiro
  2. Amalia Conceiro-Rúa
  3. Rosa Pita-Vizoso
  4. Carmen Yera-Fachal
  5. Gael Naveira-Barbeito
  6. Mª Isolina Santiago-Pérez
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 22

Issue: 3

Pages: 20-28

Type: Article

DOI: 10.35667/METASENF.2019.22.1003081388 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Metas de enfermería


Objective: to understand the nutritional status of the ≥65-year-old population non-institutionalized and independent, seen at Primary Care in Northern Galicia, and to identify any factors associated with the risk of malnutrition. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study in the ≥65-year-old population, non-institutionalized and independent, living in the health areas of A Coruña and Lugo. The sample was selected among those persons who came for a consultation (February to December, 2010). Trained nurses administered a questionnaire which included sociodemographical and anthropometric variables, as well as comorbidity, the Charlson comorbidity scale, and the Mini-Nutritional-Assessment scale. Descriptive statistical indexes were conducted, and multivariate logistical regression models, with the outcome variable Malnutrition and Risk of Malnutrition (MandRM). Results: the final sample was of 1.196 persons, with 75.2 years as mean age (TD 0.2); 61% were women (n= 730). The prevalence of malnutrition was 0.17 (CI 95%: 0.02-0.60), and 15.5% for MandRM (CI 95%:13.4-17.5), similar in both genders. It was found that there was an increase in the risk (p< 0.05) of suffering MandRM in those who did not prepare their meals (OR 1.49 (CI 95%:1.01-2.21)), those who ate alone (OR 1.83 (CI 95%:1.07-3.14)), suffered two or more health conditions (OR 1.58 (CI 95%:1.04- 2.41)) or had been hospitalized during the past year (OR 2.16 (CI 95%: 1.30-3.58)). Each point of improvement in the subjective evaluation by the nurse of their health status represented a reduction in risk (OR 0.68 (CI 95%:0.60-0.76)). Conclusions: the ≥65-year-old population, non-institutionalized, independent, and living in the Northern area of Galicia, presented an acceptable nutritional status, even though three of every 20 persons in this group are at risk of malnutrition. This situation is associated with social and clinical factors.

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