Evaluación de la adecuación a las guías clínicas en la insulinización de personas con diabetes de un cupo de Atención Primaria.

  1. Carla Blanco Vázquez
  2. Nerea López Ocaña
  3. Francisco Javier Maestro Saavedra
  4. Alain García de Castro
Cadernos de atención primaria

ISSN: 1134-3583

Ano de publicación: 2019

Volume: 25

Número: 2

Páxinas: 9-11

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Cadernos de atención primaria


Objective: The main objective is to know the healthcare quality of our diabetic patients quota and to determine if insulin therapy was initiated following scientific evidence. Methodology: It’s a cross-sectional study which includes all patients of our quota who were labelled as “Diabetes mellitus” until 1st April 2018. Those patients who meet insulin therapy criteria have been quantified following the recommendations of “RedGDPS”: “Consensus on insulin treatment in type 2 diabetes”; quantification has been undertaken using health professionals’ notes, the prescription file of each patient and their last blood test. It has been also analyzed how many of these patients were treated with this drug and how many of them were not. Results: It has been observed that 46 patients (36,22%) of our quota (total diabetic patients: 127) meet the insulin therapy criteria. 52,17% of these patients followed a treatment with some type of insulin. Conclusions: The diabetic mellitus guidelines do not usually establish absolute criterias to begin an insulin treatment: the decision should be taken based on the characteristics of each patient. Therefore, it’s possible that this study overestimates the number of patients who should be treated with this drug. In spite of that, it should be noted that almost half of the patients that meet the “RedGDPS” ́s insulin treatment criteria did not receive this therapy. This fact is problably due to the rejection of insulin treatment that many healthcare professionals may feel. Some measures, as the individual health education, can be very helpful to normalize the use of this drug.