Úlcera hipertensiva de Martorell. Revisión bibliográfica

  1. Jéssica Seco - Franco 1
  1. 1 Enfermera Especialista en Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria. Área sanitaria de Ferrol .
Enfermería Dermatológica

ISSN: 1888-3109 2386-4818

Ano de publicación: 2020

Ano: 14

Número: 41

Páxinas: 30-37

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Enfermería Dermatológica


Objective: To know the guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and design of care plans with nursing taxonomy for patients with Martorell ́s ulcer . Methodology: A bibliographic search was carried out in six biomedical databases. The selection of publications was made based on pre - established criteria and a critical reading process. Several clinical guidelines on the sub- ject were also reviewed . Results: The available bibliography on Martorell's ulcers is not too extensive. Most of the scientific production is clinical cases or case series. Twenty - seven publications were selected. The diagnosis of Martorell's ulcer is fun- damentally clinical. The patient's clinical history, the characteristics of the lesion, its location and the pres- ence of pain that is difficult to control should guide the professional towards this diagnosis. The use of biopsy as a confirmation test is controversial. Treatment is based on the control of high blood pressure (education and antihypertensive treatment), pain management, and local tre atment. Multiple alternatives (conservative or surgical) are presented in the local approach . Conclusions: The success in the approach of Marto- rell's ulcers is given by two key points: differential diag- nosis and treatment. They are a major detriment to th e patient's quality of life, so emphasis should be placed on primary prevention. It is necessary to train more profes- sionals in this field and to promote research and the use of standardized nursing taxonomies.