Alumnas de ATS en huelga,"Primera Página" en un diario local

  1. María Elena González Iglesias 1
  2. Rosa María Prol Cid 1
  1. 1 Enfermera. Complexo Hospitalario de Ourense, España
Temperamentvm: Revista internacional de historia y pensamiento enfermero

ISSN: 1699-6011

Year of publication: 2008

Volume: 4

Issue: 7

Type: Article

More publications in: Temperamentvm: Revista internacional de historia y pensamiento enfermero


On 13th February 1980, third year students of the School of Ayudantes Técnicos Sanitarios (ATS), Health Care Technical Assistants, of the Residencia Sanitaria of Ourense (Spain) appeared on the front page of a local newspaper. Next to the article there was a photograph of a group of students holding a banner at the school entrance which read as follows: "ATS students for the standardisation of ATS and nursing. Support us". These students were complaining against their own future work colleagues, the students of University Nursing Schools, who were asking for extra points when accessing the National Institute of Health's Employment Bureau. For the first time in history, a group of students of one of the ATS Schools of Ourense made it to the front page of the local newspaper