Accidentes con riesgo biológico producidos por residuos punzantes en el Hospital MeixoeiroAños 2001 - 2010

  1. Carmen Lameiro Vilariño
  2. José Cuevas Raposo
  3. Ana Besteiro Eguía
  4. Alejandro Cuevas Raposo
  5. Alberto Pérez Alvarellos
  6. Carlos Gómez Zunzunegui
  7. Víctor M. del Campo Pérez
Revista Enfermería del Trabajo

ISSN: 2174-2510

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 65-72

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Enfermería del Trabajo


Objective: Determine the incidence and circumstances of accidents caused by clinical sharps waste, which cause accidents not only in health care workers, but also other employees of those centers. Material and methods: Descriptive study of biological waste-sharps accidents in the last 10 years. The data are extracted from the base EPINETAC. For epidemiological analysis and statistical significance tests it has been used the program EPIDAT 3.1 (OPS-Xunta de Galicia) Results: We detected 162 accidents. The cleaning staff 33%, followed by nurses 31% and 15% nursing assistants were the most affected categories. The most frequent places were hospitalization 38%, followed by Emergency service 11% and Intensive care Unit. Hollow needles have been causing 46% of accidents, syringes 19% and lancets 14%. 45% have been caused by neglect of the material, and 25% of material discarded in trash bags. Workers cleaning, laundry and nursing group showed significant increases in risk (RR = 30.5, 9.1 and 6.9, p <0.0001) compared to other professional groups. Discussion: Despite the knowledge of standard precautions and proper segregation of sharps, biological accidents still occur caused by sharp waste. It is vital to raise awareness and training of health personnel that handles this material in order to protect both their safety and that of other workers.

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