Obstrucción severa del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho IIestenosis pulmonar crítica del lactante con "septum" interventricular íntegro

  1. José Luis Marqués Defez
  2. Julio Vázquez Pérez Coleman
  3. Miguel Ribera Otero
  4. Ernesto Tomás Collado
Anales españoles de pediatría: Publicación oficial de la Asociación Española de Pediatría ( AEP )

ISSN: 0302-4342

Año de publicación: 1979

Volumen: 12

Número: 10

Páginas: 687-694

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Anales españoles de pediatría: Publicación oficial de la Asociación Española de Pediatría ( AEP )


Eighteen infants carrying pulmonary stenosis with a complete interventricular wall whose most frequent clinical data are: precocius cyanosis, congestive cardiac insufficiency and in 25 % of them hypoxic crises are presentad. Complementary explorations of this entity are not definitive, but clinical diagnosis descríbed with evolutional cardiomegaly at the expense of the right cavities and pulmonary ischemia forces authors to think that there is a severa obstruction of the infumdibulum with complete interventricular septum. The different parameters which have been proponed to evaluate severity of the stenosis are discussed and compartid, finding arnong them significativa differences. Authors consider the concept of the right diminutive ventricle, finding in these cases the electrocardiographic pattern rS in V1, and observing a great mortality both spontaneous and postsurgical. The high mortality of this heart disease, both in its' natural evolution as well as after surgery is to be pointed out as in most published series.