Efectos de la ventilación y la calidad de las compresiones torácicas durante la reanimación cardiopulmonar en un modelo animal pediátrico de parada cardiorrespiratoria asfíctica

Supervised by:
  1. J. Urbano Villaescusa Director
  2. Jesús López Herce Cid Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 23 May 2022

  1. Santiago Mencía Bartolomé Chair
  2. Esther Aleo Luján Secretary
  3. Corsino Rey Galán Committee member
  4. J. del Castillo Committee member
  5. Antonio Rodríguez Núñez Committee member

Type: Thesis


High quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) improves survival outcomes after cardiac arrest. There main components of high-quality CPR include chest compressions (CC) (minimize interruptions, provide compressions of adequate rate and depth, avoid leaning between compressions), airway management and ventilation. Nevertheless, there are few studies analyzing this effect in children or in pediatric animal models.OBJECTIVES:1. To study the effect of different ventilation and chest compression strategies on the recovery of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), ventilation, oxygenation and hemodynamics in a pediatric animal model of asphyxial cardiac arrest:a. To compare between synchronized and non-synchronized bag mask ventilation (BMV).b. To compare between guided and non-guided CC with a real-time feedback-device.c. To compare between early tracheal intubation (ETI) and BMV.d. To compare between tidal volume feedback (TVF) ventilation and non-guided or standard ventilation (SV).2. To analyze the quality of CC and ventilation during resuscitation...