Handling data access latency in distributed medical imaging environments

  1. Ferreira, Carlos André Marques Viana
Supervised by:
  1. Carlos Manuel Azevedo Costa Director

Defence university: Universidade de Aveiro (UA)

Fecha de defensa: 20 April 2015

  1. Antonio Carlos Matias Correia Chair
  2. Rui Pedro Lopes Secretary
  3. Paulo José Osorio Rupino da Cunha Committee member
  4. Enrique Fernandez-Blanco Committee member
  5. Rui Carlos Mendes Oliveira Committee member

Type: Thesis


Web-based technologies have been increasingly used in Picture Archive and Communication Systems (PACS), in services related to storage, distribution and visualization of medical images. Nowadays, many healthcare institutions are federating services and outsourcing their repositories to the Cloud. However, managing communications between multiple geo-distributed locations is still challenging due to the complexity of dealing with huge volumes of data and bandwidth limitations. Communication latency is a critical issue that still hinders the adoption of this paradigm. In order to improve the performance of distributed medical imaging networks, routing mechanisms with cache and prefetching can be used. This doctorate proposes a cache architecture based on static rules together with pattern recognition for both cache eviction and prefetching.