Estrategia terapéutica en el tratamiento tópico de la ictiosispropuesta de nuevas formulaciones magistrales, su aplicación clínica y repercusión en las actividades de la vida diaria

  1. González Freire, Lara
Supervised by:
  1. Javier de Toro Santos Director
  2. A. Batalla Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 12 July 2024

  1. Luis Margusino Framiñán Chair
  2. Mónica Gayoso Rey Secretary
  3. Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez Committee member

Type: Thesis


Ichthyosis, a diverse set of skin disorders considered rare diseases, result in significant challenges in terms of the medical approach, due to the lack of specific treatments. In this context, the therapeutic approach has been directed towards symptomatic man-agement. Nonetheless, this condition not only affects the skin, but also has a consider-able impact on the quality of life of patients, influencing their general health, daily ac-tivities and interpersonal relationships.The main focus of this thesis is to develop and evaluate individualised compoundings for the purpose of improving the symptoms of ichthyosis while minimising side effects. In addition, we analyse the impact of both the pathology and the treatment on the quality of life of patients.Six compoundings that complied with the requirements established by current legisla-tion were developed and a descriptive observational study of the six patients treated with these compoundings was carried out. The results revealed an objective improve-ment of the lesions, as well as good tolerance and adherence to treatment. Further-more, a significant improvement in the quality of life of the patients included in this study was observed.In conclusion, the developed compoundings have been shown to be effective in the symptomatic treatment of ichthyosis, generating a positive impact on the quality of life of patients.