Obstáculos y apoyos percibidos en la aplicación de terapia compresiva en úlceras venosas de la pierna

  1. Camilo Daniel Raña-Lama
  2. María Ángeles Bouza-Prego
  3. Jesús Luís Saleta-Canosa
  4. José María Rumbo-Prieto
  5. Luis Arantón-Areosa
ENE Revista de Enfermería

ISSN: 1988-348X

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 10

Type: Article

More publications in: ENE Revista de Enfermería


Objective: To identify barriers and facilitators perceived by nurses in relation to the application of compression therapy at uncomplicated venous leg ulcers. Method: Descriptive, exploratory qualitative study. An intentional, convenience and voluntary sampling was done into nursing professionals of the mailing list of the National Group for the Study and Consulting Pressure Ulcers and Chronic Wounds with experience giving care to patients with venous leg ulcers. The information was collected by an ad hoc self-administered questionnaire on line. The analysis of the socio-professional variables was done using descriptive statistics; narrative data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. Results: We obtained the response of 123 participants. The age range was 46.7 years; 65.9% were women, professional experience of 22.6 years; 51.2% worked in primary health care, 34.1% in hospital, 9.8% in socio-health centers and 4.9% elsewhere. Following the narrative analysis identified three thematic categories: 1) Elements attributed to health care professionals 2) Elements attributed to patients 3) Elements attributed to health /society system. Discussion: The low use of compressive therapy in clinical practice is a reality that must be reversed, through the involvement of professionals and healthcare managers by following and implementation the recommendations for clinical practice based on scientific evidence, the patients' preferences, the experience of clinicians and, in the availability of instrumental and/or materials resources.

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